RTC Session 4 - SEN and iPads
Thank you for those that attended our Apple Regional Training Centre Event for iPads and SEN
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Sometimes it's not always about the Apps, the iPad has some fantastic built in and underrated features. The most important for SEN students are the accessibility features...
Accessibility Features
Guided Access - is only available if you have updated to iOS6 (highly recommended anyway). It allows for apps to be locked and disables the home button. VERY USEFUL if you share your iPad with students as it stops them from browsing your personal files. Also great for students who are 'easily distracted' by the temptation of other apps.Voice Over - For students that have poor sight Voice Over speaks the options available
Zoom - This is one of the most useful features used by our students. When switched on you can triple tap with three fingers and choose the zoom level of the screen.
Inverted Colours - For students who do not like white backgrounds with black text his allows for easier reading.
Speak Selection - A fantastic tool for students that struggle with reading. You can select a word or page and have the iPad read it back to you at whatever pace you want with whatever dialect you want. This is not restricted to iBooks but works in most apps.
My example how to use the features
Don't trust me however, one of our students has made their own website describing the features. As a student that is at the 'coal face' of these issues I think she understands it better than I ever could.
Why not have a look at her whole website
Reading Assistance
Camera Magnification - Using the inbuilt camera you can pinch and zoom to see greater detail. Students no longer have to be dragged to the front of every class to see the board. Very liberating for the students involved. Often staff ask for the images to be emailed to them for their own records or for sharing on VLE's, Blogs or Wiki'sScan to PDF - Storing key information is not always great in the photo album. You can convert images (including photos of text) into PDF documents that can be saved into collection in iBooks for better organisation.

Speaking in iBooks - As mentioned above you can select whole sections of text and have the iPad read it back to you. It can also be set to highlight the text as it reads, when you slow the speed down this can be a great reading aid

I use this to write on PDF documents but it has a zoom feature that allows students to complete worksheets (convert to PDF and email ir leave on VLE) at their own scale

This allows for multiple images to be stiched together producing one higher quality image with greater detail. This can be used for great scenery or more practically in the classroom a board or display

This is a bit of fun but allows students or teachers to take 360 degree views of special places of interest that students that can not access can view in a fun way
Click on the image for the 360 view

This allows students to read eBooks with their own choice of text size and I invert the background to black with white text for an easier read
Writing Assistance
I use this to recorder to record voice notes for my students coursework. I start the recording and go to their current work in a shared Dropbox account and as I read the CW I dictate my feedback. It can also be used to record lessons for later review

I find that I can use dictation for large essays or reports on the iPad. I can record my thoughts while looking at work or notes. The dictation is good but needs wifi and a proof read afterwards. The icon can be found every time the keyboard is viewable. Great for students with writing issues.
Wireless Keyboard or Dock - For students that do not like the inbuilt keyboard you can use a wireless keyboard for a greater tactile experience or for faster typing. I like these all in one cases:
You can get these or the official keyboard docks online or at your local retailer.

This app allows students to get really creative. Even though is is aimed at younger students (pre loaded with cartoons) you can import pictures and more secondary orientated material.

£0.69 (free version available)
So many ways in which this could be used. Story telling will never be the same.
Hearing Assistance

As discussed it can be a great change of pace to start with a video....

Good for taking notes at meetings. The typed notes are highlighted in time with the recorded audio. It was also mentioned that it would be useful for observations.
When taking recordings microphone placement is key. If you can't get close buy some cheap microphones and extensions to help. Here are some I bought on Amazon (The microphone extension is specific as it needs 4 poles)
Microphone - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001MNX9WK/ref=wms_ohs_product
Extension - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007ZLNPJK/ref=wms_ohs_product
Routines - The iPad is great for keeping students organised and there are various apps to keep you in lineTimers - Use the inbuilt clocks app to set timers and alarms throughout the day
For those that like using mind maps this is a great tool. If you want to share the notes you can either pay for the upgrade or use the iPads screen capture (home button and power at the same time) to add the page to your photo album
Calendars - Used to set your schedule for the week, including homework deadlines. You can set up to two reminders for the in built calendar events. A great way to keep on track. It is also possible to share a calendar with a student so that you can check or add events that have been forgotten.
Note Taking - There is a note taking app built in or more advanced options in the app store. Storing notes in the cloud is a great way of backing them up
I simply don't know how/why this app is free. It is the only note taking app (and I've tried a few!) that incorporates TEXT, AUDIO, PICTURES & VIDEO. Easy to use and has a calendar for homeworks. Great app.
eBooks - You can request a PDF version of textbooks for some students or look in the iBooks library for some great alternatives
Scanning Books - With the permission of the publisher there are circumstances where you are allowed to scan the book for a student.
Foundation Stage Profiles
In the primary sector Photos, Audio, Video can be great ways to collect evidence
Great tool for gathering evidence of students work. I take photos of students work and make notes so that I have evidence of progress without having to take book back in. Also great for when students lose books.
Also the InClass app above does a similar job but is the only one to store video. It is free so may trump aNote
I hope this helps with an idea how to use the iPad for SEN
Thanks for taking your valuable time to read this.
Why not follow me on Twitter @JerseyITguy
RTC Session 4 - SEN and iPads
Reviewed by Rory Steel
7:51 AM

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